Deposit guarantee

Deposit guarantee

All deposits of JSC SENSE BANK clients are 100% guaranteed by the Guarantee Fund during the period of martial law and within 3 months from the date of its termination or cancellation. In the future, the amount of compensation will be at least UAH 600 000. Fund participant registration No.048 dated September 2, 1999, certificate No.045 dated December 5, 2022
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One of TOP-10 banks

One of TOP-10 banks

The Bank is a leading player in all segments of the banking market and ranks among TOP-10 financial institutions of the country in terms of assets. Source: NBU data, company data as of October 1, 2022
 Bank Rating

Bank Rating

Sense Bank has High Reliability Rating assigned by the Ukrainian Credit Rating Agency (last update 15.12.2022)

Choose your deposit

Additional and related services of the bank, that are not determined by the essential conditions, as well as the services of credit intermediaries and third parties are not available

Terms and Conditions

aСlub aClub Start Term deposit

Dynamic deposit

Term from 3 to 24 months from 1 to 6 months

from 14 to 396 days 

for any term
Interest rate

up 12,50% to 13,50%

up 8,50% to 12,25%

up 5,25% to 12,75%


Minimum amount 80 000 UAH 5 000 UAH 80 000 UAH 5 000 UAH
Maximum amount unlimited 5 000 UAH unlimited unlimited
Replenishment Huge Icon Huge Icon Icons Huge Icon
Partial withdrawal Icons Icons Icons Huge Icon
Early termination Icons Icons Icons Huge Icon
Interest payments

monthly or capitalization

monthly or capitalization monthly or at the end of the term


Type of deposit

Deposit amount, ¤
Payment of interest
Additional conditions



  1. Consequences for the client in the case the client uses a banking service or fails to fulfil his/her obligations under the agreement for the provision of this banking service
    - Profit earned from deposit (savings) transactions is subject to income taxation according to the effective laws of Ukraine.
    - If the depositor receives benefits or subsidies, earning of additional profits may result in the loss thereof.
    - When the funds are credited to a deposit (saving) account, opened with the Bank, the Bank undertakes, under the terms of the agreement, to return such funds and the depositor undertakes to pay for the Bank's services.
  2. Consequences for the client in case the client fails to contact the bank on time regarding the repayment of funds obtained under the bank deposit agreement:
    - If the depositor fails to contact the bank on time regarding the repayment of funds obtained under the bank deposit agreement, such deposit shall be extended for the same term and under the same conditions on which it was placed according to the deposit agreement terms, with the exception of the interest rate effective at the Bank on the date of deposit extension.
    - Where there is no extension/in case the extension is cancelled, the deposit amount together with the interest accrued shall be paid to the account specified in the deposit agreement.
  3. The Bank is prohibited to demand from the Client the purchase of any goods or services offered by the bank, a person related to or affiliated with the bank as a prerequisite for the provision of these services (except for the provision of a banking package).
  4. The Bank is not entitled to unilaterally change the agreements entered into with the clients, unless otherwise stipulated by the agreement or law.
  5. The Client can opt out of receiving promotional communications via remote communication channels.
  6. The Client is entitled to withdraw from the banking service agreement, if such a right is stipulated by the law.